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Noted: Long rambling rants about a minor technical details about the web: not interesting.
I'll see about getting my long rambling rant about minor technical details about email up soon...
Whenever I find a site that requires cookies for basic use, I simply leave and never come back. The internet is huge and full of goo in which another page will be found with the sweet sweet information that I require.
I like reading your rants on not being a sucky webmaster! I just don't have any comments to make about them. I can say, yeah! right on, brother! but that's about it. And in the case of cookies, which I don't know anything about, I can't even say that. But I still enjoy reading them.
Actually, I find long rants about minor technical details about the web quite interesting. Sometimes it gives voice to annoyances I've had in the past, other times it draws my attention to certain flaws in web deisgn. In any case, it's great to be able to read intelligent material to read, especially while preparing for my upcoming advanced web design class.
Not to mention material that's actually in English...
Here's a link from a guy:
Has similar arguments to yours.
I'm bored with this entry. Write a new one! It's not like you don't have plenty of material! You still haven't blogged about your interesting visitors, or ranted about Television Preview. Hop to!
If you just want more stuff, check my blogroll. You too can read the same stuff the High Programmer reads.
If you want more stuff from me, I occasionally post to my livejournal account. It tends to be much more throwaway, but it's there if you want it. (My theory is that I post stuff on my main blog that I think people who don't know me might find interesting. I post stuff on my livejournal blog that only my friends would care about.)
<sarcasm>"Rich" posted some interesting stuff recently. (Unfortunately "Rich" is an idiot and didn't notice that I use rel=nofollow, so no Google juice for him.)</sarcasm>
Finally, yeah, I've got a deep, deep backlog of stuff to post, but I've been sooooooooooooo busy. With luck things are getting less busy (I applied for an apartment this morning. Hopefully that's done.)