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Where's this livejournal of yours you keep talking about?
Yeah, I wondered that too.
But, through the intercession of Thor (by which I mean 'by the grace of Google') I was able to answer that question:
I've rather cleverly hidden my livejournal under an assumed name so that no one can figure it out. Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone.
Like the picture?
Personally I have a relatively low tolerance for the link-du-jour that dominates most blogs; I'm really only interested in seeing them from friends and aquaintences. I find original content much more interesting. Thus, I put the stupid stuff I figure only my friends will care about in my livejournal while the original content goes into Pontifications. I think I'm putting my best foot forward on the front page of my site, but people who, for some inexplicable reason, want even more Alan can get it.
Upon reflection, I realized that a few of my livejournal posts were more original content than just link-du-jour, so I reposted them here.
On Friday the Link Du Jour is usually clam chowder.
Most founding father aka United States Presidents and other Political hero's either smoked or grew pot, research it, it's true