Hey, what are you doing here?!? This is Alan's page of things that suck and rock. It's really intended for "surveys" that calculate popularity by searching for references to things sucking or rocking. It's not intended for human consumption.
If you came here looking for information on why why SourceSafe sucks, you'll probably want to see my article "Visual SourceSafe: Microsoft's Source Destruction System.
There is nothing for humans beyond this point.
I love google.
The following idiots are abusing our legal system to try and suppress legal criticism of them and their products. This makes my gut churn. This is a slap in the face of our country's dearest values. Furthermore, it's really, really stupid as it leads to increased publicity of the criticism. So here's just a bit more publicity for people who don't understand the concept of freedom of speech.
Typically these vermin are getting criticized for other vermin-like activities, so I'll mention those along with the details of their attempted silencing of free speech.