WARNING: This is my bookmarks circa 2001. They're incredibly old. Many links are dead or point to entirely different sites. I'm only keeping these online as an archive.
Alan De Smet's Bookmarks - Useful Software
W3M - Console web browser with table and frame support.
GIMP - The Gnu Image Manipulation Program is a high quality free photo manipulation program.
Mutt - The best email client
Remove Netscape's Shop button
Virtual Drive - CD drive emulation software from Far Stone Tech.
Mailman - GNU Mailing List Manager
VIM - A great editor
MP3Trim - Has an MP3 trimmer
MP3Cutter 2 - It's needlessly gaudy, hard to use, and generally icky. But it crops mp3 files losslessy.
ZoneAlarm - Win32 local machine firewalling software
Up | Last Updated Mon Feb 5 21:53:15 2001 | Information on Bookmarksync