WARNING: This is my bookmarks circa 2001. They're incredibly old. Many links are dead or point to entirely different sites. I'm only keeping these online as an archive.
We're trading freedom for convience and entertainment.
- We're quickly moving toward a culture that believes "if it's making money, it's ethical." The rights of big business are surpassing those granted to human beings.
- "...capitalism, having defeated communism, now seems about to do the same to democracy." - Ian Frazier, "On the Rez."
Copyright - Copyright was created to promote the arts, not to give corporations effortless profit for a lifetime, not to give corporations a choke chain on people's access to their culture.
Privacy - Privacy and anonymity are necessary for free speech and other human rights.
Patents - Incompetent leadership in the US Patent office and abuse by corporation have turned our patent system into a tool for large companies to abuse small companies with.
Licensing - You don't own your software. You license it. You have less rights that you do to a book, video, or car you purchase.
Lawyers - Maybe the majority of lawyers are ethical individuals trying to serve mankind. But the lawyers who view the justicial system as a way to acquire money and power ruin it.
What License - Are lawyers licensed by the state? (I'm suspicious of this one, it needs more investigating.)
A Love Song for Napster - Jaron Lanier's thought experiment on where the road goes if Napster is shut down.
Why Microsoft's Stock Options Scare Me - Why does Microsoft pay no Federal income taxes?
Fixing it.
Up | Last Updated Mon Feb 5 21:53:15 2001 | Information on Bookmarksync