High Programmer > Alan De Smet > Games > Role-Playing Games > Dungeons & Dragons > Dungeons & Dragons Statistics > Weapon Damage Statistics > 1d8 x3

1d8 x3

The y axis is percentage chance. The X axis is damage.

Weapons doing 1d8 x3 damage: small glaive, small halberd, small dwarven waraxe, longspear, spear, battleaxe, warhammer, lance, longbow, composite longbow, orc double axe (either end), gnome hooked hammer (primary), dwarven urgrosh (primary)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
24.702 5.000000011.281250011.281250011.290527311.309082011.336914111.374023411.420410211.4760742 0.2597656 0.3339844 0.3896484 0.4267578 0.4453125 0.4453125 0.4267578 0.3896484 0.3339844 0.2597656 0.1948242 0.1391602 0.0927734 0.0556641 0.0278320 0.0092773
34.45510.000000010.687500010.687500010.696289110.713867210.740234410.775390610.819335910.8720703 0.2460938 0.3164062 0.3691406 0.4042969 0.4218750 0.4218750 0.4042969 0.3691406 0.3164062 0.2460938 0.1845703 0.1318359 0.0878906 0.0527344 0.0263672 0.0087891
44.20815.000000010.093750010.093750010.102050810.118652310.143554710.176757810.218261710.2680664 0.2324219 0.2988281 0.3486328 0.3818359 0.3984375 0.3984375 0.3818359 0.3486328 0.2988281 0.2324219 0.1743164 0.1245117 0.0830078 0.0498047 0.0249023 0.0083008
53.96020.0000000 9.5000000 9.5000000 9.5078125 9.5234375 9.5468750 9.5781250 9.6171875 9.6640625 0.2187500 0.2812500 0.3281250 0.3593750 0.3750000 0.3750000 0.3593750 0.3281250 0.2812500 0.2187500 0.1640625 0.1171875 0.0781250 0.0468750 0.0234375 0.0078125
63.71325.0000000 8.9062500 8.9062500 8.9135742 8.9282227 8.9501953 8.9794922 9.0161133 9.0600586 0.2050781 0.2636719 0.3076172 0.3369141 0.3515625 0.3515625 0.3369141 0.3076172 0.2636719 0.2050781 0.1538086 0.1098633 0.0732422 0.0439453 0.0219727 0.0073242
73.46530.0000000 8.3125000 8.3125000 8.3193359 8.3330078 8.3535156 8.3808594 8.4150391 8.4560547 0.1914062 0.2460938 0.2871094 0.3144531 0.3281250 0.3281250 0.3144531 0.2871094 0.2460938 0.1914062 0.1435547 0.1025391 0.0683594 0.0410156 0.0205078 0.0068359
83.21835.0000000 7.7187500 7.7187500 7.7250977 7.7377930 7.7568359 7.7822266 7.8139648 7.8520508 0.1777344 0.2285156 0.2666016 0.2919922 0.3046875 0.3046875 0.2919922 0.2666016 0.2285156 0.1777344 0.1333008 0.0952148 0.0634766 0.0380859 0.0190430 0.0063477
92.97040.0000000 7.1250000 7.1250000 7.1308594 7.1425781 7.1601562 7.1835938 7.2128906 7.2480469 0.1640625 0.2109375 0.2460938 0.2695312 0.2812500 0.2812500 0.2695312 0.2460938 0.2109375 0.1640625 0.1230469 0.0878906 0.0585938 0.0351562 0.0175781 0.0058594
102.72345.0000000 6.5312500 6.5312500 6.5366211 6.5473633 6.5634766 6.5849609 6.6118164 6.6440430 0.1503906 0.1933594 0.2255859 0.2470703 0.2578125 0.2578125 0.2470703 0.2255859 0.1933594 0.1503906 0.1127930 0.0805664 0.0537109 0.0322266 0.0161133 0.0053711
112.47550.0000000 5.9375000 5.9375000 5.9423828 5.9521484 5.9667969 5.9863281 6.0107422 6.0400391 0.1367188 0.1757812 0.2050781 0.2246094 0.2343750 0.2343750 0.2246094 0.2050781 0.1757812 0.1367188 0.1025391 0.0732422 0.0488281 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0048828
122.22755.0000000 5.3437500 5.3437500 5.3481445 5.3569336 5.3701172 5.3876953 5.4096680 5.4360352 0.1230469 0.1582031 0.1845703 0.2021484 0.2109375 0.2109375 0.2021484 0.1845703 0.1582031 0.1230469 0.0922852 0.0659180 0.0439453 0.0263672 0.0131836 0.0043945
131.98060.0000000 4.7500000 4.7500000 4.7539062 4.7617188 4.7734375 4.7890625 4.8085938 4.8320312 0.1093750 0.1406250 0.1640625 0.1796875 0.1875000 0.1875000 0.1796875 0.1640625 0.1406250 0.1093750 0.0820312 0.0585938 0.0390625 0.0234375 0.0117188 0.0039062
141.73265.0000000 4.1562500 4.1562500 4.1596680 4.1665039 4.1767578 4.1904297 4.2075195 4.2280273 0.0957031 0.1230469 0.1435547 0.1572266 0.1640625 0.1640625 0.1572266 0.1435547 0.1230469 0.0957031 0.0717773 0.0512695 0.0341797 0.0205078 0.0102539 0.0034180
151.48570.0000000 3.5625000 3.5625000 3.5654297 3.5712891 3.5800781 3.5917969 3.6064453 3.6240234 0.0820312 0.1054688 0.1230469 0.1347656 0.1406250 0.1406250 0.1347656 0.1230469 0.1054688 0.0820312 0.0615234 0.0439453 0.0292969 0.0175781 0.0087891 0.0029297
161.23775.0000000 2.9687500 2.9687500 2.9711914 2.9760742 2.9833984 2.9931641 3.0053711 3.0200195 0.0683594 0.0878906 0.1025391 0.1123047 0.1171875 0.1171875 0.1123047 0.1025391 0.0878906 0.0683594 0.0512695 0.0366211 0.0244141 0.0146484 0.0073242 0.0024414
170.99080.0000000 2.3750000 2.3750000 2.3769531 2.3808594 2.3867188 2.3945312 2.4042969 2.4160156 0.0546875 0.0703125 0.0820312 0.0898438 0.0937500 0.0937500 0.0898438 0.0820312 0.0703125 0.0546875 0.0410156 0.0292969 0.0195312 0.0117188 0.0058594 0.0019531
180.74285.0000000 1.7812500 1.7812500 1.7827148 1.7856445 1.7900391 1.7958984 1.8032227 1.8120117 0.0410156 0.0527344 0.0615234 0.0673828 0.0703125 0.0703125 0.0673828 0.0615234 0.0527344 0.0410156 0.0307617 0.0219727 0.0146484 0.0087891 0.0043945 0.0014648
190.49590.0000000 1.1875000 1.1875000 1.1884766 1.1904297 1.1933594 1.1972656 1.2021484 1.2080078 0.0273438 0.0351562 0.0410156 0.0449219 0.0468750 0.0468750 0.0449219 0.0410156 0.0351562 0.0273438 0.0205078 0.0146484 0.0097656 0.0058594 0.0029297 0.0009766
200.24895.0000000 0.5937500 0.5937500 0.5942383 0.5952148 0.5966797 0.5986328 0.6010742 0.6040039 0.0136719 0.0175781 0.0205078 0.0224609 0.0234375 0.0234375 0.0224609 0.0205078 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0102539 0.0073242 0.0048828 0.0029297 0.0014648 0.0004883