High Programmer > Alan De Smet > Games > Role-Playing Games > Deadlands > Deadlands Products > City o' Gloom

City o' Gloom

Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 128+32+32
MSRP: Unknown
Product Number: 1014
ISBN: 1-889546-24-0
Purchase print copy: Abebooks, Amazon, Pinnacle
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Location boxed set for Salt Lake City.

Includes 128 page book on Salt Lake City, 32 page book on blending mad science and huckster magic "Thaumaturgical Diffusion," 32 page book on steampunk cyberware "A Short Treatise on the Augmentation of the Human Body," minature sized carstock pieces, and a two-sided poster-sized map. One size of the map is an aireal project of Salt Lake City, the other has a miniature sized map for the sport Skullchucker. The cardstock sheets include a map of a landship, a salt rattler, and cardstock cowboys for Skullchucker.

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