Tracey Alley is an author of fantasy novels. She is accused of being a plagiarist and a copyright infringer. Read on to see my conclusions.
Eva and I have started a dedicated gaming blog, 1000d4. The first post is the result of 3 and a half years of work (well, 20 hours or so of work spread across 3.5 years): "How True Are Your d20s?" It recreates Lou Zocchi's famous photograph comparing stacks of d20s from several companies, but with modern dice. Oh, an there is a spreadsheet full of numbers, for fans of such things.
Why Women Cry, in which I dissect some seemingly innocent glurge about treasuring women and reveal its seedy, sexist underpinnings.
Alternative Medicine and Kiki Havivy. Kiki Havivy is just six years old, and alternative medicine is killing her.
Want to play Leverage: The Roleplaying Game now, but all you have is The Quickstart Job? I've written another job "The Indy 500 Job," based on a job run by one of the game designers at Gen Con Indy 2010. I've run it successfully three times, and I hope it will be useful to others.
I reviewed Jason Scott's interactive fiction (text adventure) documentary Get Lamp. It's a good movie. Fans of interactive fiction, either the modern works or the classics, will likely enjoy this movie.